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Join date: Jun 3, 2019


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Ever since I was six years old, I have been extremely interested in music. Now, I arrange and transcribe theme songs/ballads/soundtracks etc. from various genres that have allowed me to progress musically. As well as now creating my own compositions.

I first began specializing my music writing interests on the site MuseScore, you may know me as Legendian. I had learned about it from a friend and decided to create piano solos for different video game themes, country songs, TV show themes and movie themes that allowed me to grow in talent and popularity. 

I decided to leave MuseScore about five months later (due to my schedule, and having to persistently stay updated with it) and decided to continue my musical interests in more of a professional setting. I had always wanted to name my website after some cool catch phrase that would perfectly described my well known specialty in keeping my songs as original as possible, hence the name "ON THAT NOTE!".

I play six instruments currently such as: Piano (9 years), Guitar (6 years), Ukulele (4 years), Ocarina (3 years), Jaw Harp (8 months), and Banjo (4 months). I love to hike, hunt, fish and camp in the outdoors. I'm advanced in acting and singing. I love writing poetry, doing parkour and creating short movies with my brother. I'm also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

Come check out my website as well! Here you can purchase transcriptions, compositions, arrangements, etc. as sheet music, MP3s, etc. for your own enjoyment! To learn more about me visit my website "ON THAT NOTE!"


Ian Livingston



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